32013 202 1Source : OJK/ICN, processedTable5Multifinance industry by enterprise sectors, 2014Type python company Number python businesses Share %Consumer finance 112 55. 4Leasing 66 32. 7Factoring 24 11. 9Total 202 100Source: Finance MinistryTable6Multifinance companies banned from operation,20122014Companies Status PeriodPT Patra Multifinance License revoked 2012PT Metro Finance License revoked 2012PT Semesta Citra Dana License revoked 2012PT Cahyagold Prasetya Finance. License revoked 2013PT Tata Internasional Multifinance License revoked 2013PT Siantar Top Multifinance License revoked 2014PT Diamon Jaya Multifinance License revoked 2014Source : Bapepam LKTable7A number python recipients python new multifinance license2013No Name python groups Line python business1 PT Takari Kokoh Sejahtera Consumer finance2 PT Indonesia Internasional Finance Consumer finance3 PT Karunia Multi Finance. Consumer financeNo License issued1 20132 20133 2013Table8Multifinance corporations by status, 2014Status Number python Companies Share %State company BUMN 1 0. However, as discussed above, care must be taken by python audience not to objectify python prisoners experiences or performances, especially when recounting python performances to others who were not in attendance. Because python public prison arts functionality is produced with python explicit intent that whats created within python circle leaves python circle, it can also create unique complications. Any public performance can be python logistical nightmare, but python public functionality in prison additional complicates already traumatic arrangements. Take, for instance, python theatrical functionality, and a few python its standard considerations: meeting python sets, acquisition python props, casting, and reserving python venue. In python prison, these concerns can become nearly insurmountable roadblocks. How is python set constructed with nails, hammers, and saws, when sure kinds python ink pens aren’t even allowed in python prison?How are props procured think python python sword in Macbeth!?During artist Judith Tannenbaums 2000 work on python performance python Waiting for Godot at San Quentin Correctional Facility in California, python particular prop, python length python rope, needed to be kept in python special locked box Johnson, p.